Weight Loss Surgery Procedures

If bariatric surgery is the right solution for your weight-loss goals, we want to make sure you get the procedure that's best for you and your needs. At Holy Cross we offer several weight loss surgery procedures that have been proven safe and effective in providing long-term significant weight loss.

Our Procedures

The most common and successful surgical weight-loss procedure, Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is extremely effective in helping obese individuals lose excess weight and regain good health.

During surgery, a small stomach pouch is created to restrict food intake. Afterward, a Y-shaped section of your small intestine is re-routed and attached to the new pouch. This 're-routing' allows food to bypass the lower stomach, and the upper parts of the small intestine, reducing the calories and nutrients your body needs to absorb.

The small stomach pouch created during surgery can hold only about two to four tablespoons (three ounces) at a time, which drastically reduces the amount of food that you can eat at one time.

Gastric bypass typically causes rapid weight loss immediately following the surgery and for the next 18-24 months. Eventually, your weight will begin to level out, most likely stabilizing at about 20 to 40 percent above your ideal body weight.

85% of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass procedures can be done laparoscopically or through minimally-invasive surgery. As with any laparoscopic procedure, the recovery time, your discomfort, and the risks are reduced when compared to open surgery. Consult with your doctor to make sure you're a candidate for a laparoscopic procedure.

Shortly after your surgery, you'll be able to return to your room. Sitting up in your chair and walking around is encouraged to help you heal faster. Over time, your physical activity will increase, with near-to-normal or normal activity levels resuming a few weeks after your surgery.

Note: Gastric bypass surgery carries the same risks as any other major abdominal surgery. Holy Cross Hospital follows established safety protocols to help keep risks to an absolute minimum. Life -threatening complications or death are rare, occurring in less than one percent of our patients.

During a vertical sleeve gastrectomy, approximately 80 percent of the stomach is removed, leaving it in the shape of a tube or “sleeve.” Since it’s a laparoscopic surgery, it requires several small incisions rather than one large one. This procedure may be performed using robotic techniques.

The weight loss most patients can achieve through vertical sleeve gastrectomy is typically greater than with gastric banding but less than gastric bypass. If you and your surgeon feel the weight loss you achieve with this approach is inadequate, you can have a second procedure to convert your vertical sleeve gastrectomy to a gastric bypass.

Lap Band is an adjustable gastric band. It is a device that helps to limit the amount of food you can consumer at any one time. There is no true change to your anatomy, therefore your changes of suffering from malabsorption are lowered.

The band is placed around the upper portion of the stomach and creates a virtual pouch that limits the intake of food. When this smaller pouch is filled, you will feel full and stop eating.

A port is placed just below the surface of your skin to allow adjustments to be made to the size of the ring that controls the volume of food you can eat. While lap band is reversible, it should still be considered permanent.

You will be thoroughly educated on good nutrition and exercise to maximize your weight loss experience with lap band. With lap band, proper discipline is required to be committed to proper nutrition.

Bariatric surgery is usually very successful in helping you achieve significant weight loss and regain your health. Unfortunately, some patients experience problems with the surgery or not succeed in losing the expected amount of excess weight.

In these situations, a follow-up bariatric procedure, known as a bariatric surgery revision, may be necessary to alter or repair the initial bariatric surgery. Holy Cross Hospital will evaluate your case and recommend appropriate treatment.

While results vary depending on your original procedure and the reason for the revision or conversion, weight loss following supplemental procedures like these can be substantial over time.

NOTE: Seminars suspended at this time due to COVID-19

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