Is Surgery for Me?

Ask Yourself:

  • Did you make the New Years Resolution to lose weight again this year?
  • Can you walk up 10 stairs without stopping to catch your breath?
  • Did you select your last car based on the car that fits you rather than the car you wanted?
  • Have you stopped flying because the seat doesn't fit?
  • Are you the one behind the camera in your family photos?
  • Can you plan an afternoon in the park and enjoy it with the kids?

If your answers to the questions above are not what you wanted to hear, and you want to regain your health and happiness, then calculate your Body Mass Index to see if you are a candidate. If you are more than 100 pounds over your ideal weight, you may be eligible for bariatric surgery.

To be a candidate for weight-loss surgery, you must:

  • Have a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 40 or greater or be 100 pounds or more overweight from ideal body weight.
  • If your BMI is between 35-40 and you have at least one to two significant co-morbidities (associated illnesses) such as Diabetes, Hypertension, Arthritis or Sleep Apnea.
  • Have no drug or alcohol dependence or have at least one year of sobriety.
  • Have documented attempts to lose weight medically.
  • Not smoke. If you smoke, every effort should be made to stop.
  • Have a personal ongoing commitment to improve health and lifestyle.

Options for Non-Candidates

What are my options if I am not a surgical candidate, or don't want to choose surgery as my weight loss option?

For those individuals, who's Body Mass Index does not make them a candidate or you don't want to choose surgery as an option, you have the following choices:

Proper nutrition combined with a good exercise program

The Zachariah Family Wellness Pavilion, located at Holy Cross Hospital, is a medical fitness facility. The Pavilion offers many programs to help individuals struggling with weight meet their nutrition and fitness goals.

Call them today at 954-229-7950 to find out more about the Pavilion.

Medically supervised weight loss program

Check with your physician to see if they have this option available in their practice.