Low-Dose Lung Screening

The Michael and Dianne Bienes Comprehensive Cancer Center and Holy Cross Hospital's ACR Lung Cancer Screening Center is offering a $99.00 Low Dose CT Lung Screening, which includes the radiologist's reading fee! 

Call 954-542-0277 for an appointment.

Who is eligible for the $99 rate?

  • Individuals who are uninsured
  • Individuals who are on Medicare
  • Individual whose insurance do not cover this procedure

Medicare Beneficiaries must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:

  • Age 50 - 77 years;
  • Asymptomatic (no signs or symptoms of lung cancer);
  • Tobacco smoking history of at least 20 pack-years (one pack-year = smoking one pack per day for one year; 1 pack =20 cigarettes);
  • Current smoker or one who has quit smoking within the last 15 years; and,
  • Receive an order for lung cancer screening with LDCT.
  • At least 11 full months must elapse from the date of the last screening

Prescription required?

Any M.D. can write a script for a Low Dose CT if the patient meets the criteria below.

1. Why get screened?

Early Detection! Lung Cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer. Of all causes of death, lung cancer ranks second behind heart disease. The high number of deaths is due to in part to lung cancer being found after it has spread. CANCER SCREENING can help find lung cancer at an early stage when it can be CURED.

2. Am I at risk for lung disease?

Risk factors include:

  • Heavy tobacco smoking  (50-80 years old; 20-packs-a-year smoking history; quit less than 15 years ago) 
  • Under age 50 + less than a 20 pack/year smoking history + one additional risk factor listed below (second-hand smoke excluded)     
  • Asbestos-related lung disease or asbestosis  
  • History of emphysema or COPD 
  • Family history of lung cancer (parent, sibling or child)

3. Should I start now?

Start before cancer symptoms appear. The goal of lung cancer screening is to find lung cancer when treatments will work best. Treatments usually work best before there are symptoms of cancer. However, at this time, most lung cancer is found after symptoms appear. Visit tobaccofreeflorida.com or call 877-822-6669 for free smoking cessation counseling and access to patches and other tools.

4. Get the best screening test 

Low-Dose Computed Tomography (Low-Dose CT). It is the only screening test proven to reduce the number of deaths from lung cancer. LDCT takes many pictures of the inside of your chest/lung from different angles using x-rays. The amount of radiation used is much lower than standard doses of CT.