Patient Stories

What Our Patients and their Loved Ones Have to Say

"Dr. [Irving] David performed quadruple bypass on my father, at the time 86, in July 2015 after other cardiac surgeons in Ocala flatly refused simply due to his age. He was suffering from severe Congestive Heart Failure. My sister (only sibling) and I were almost resigned to the fact that our father would pass away soon. But we made the last ditch decision to get him back down to South Florida (in a daring rescue attempt) to get him to Holy Cross to see if there was anything that could be done. 

Dr. David met him and made a determination that surgery could be performed should my father be agreeable. And, of course, my father was “all systems go” being the lover of life that he is.It’s been over one year now and I am so happy to say that he is doing well. He is getting around and smiling as we have a beer together at his favorite local restaurants. And he is still trying to pick that big winner at the racetrack.  I wanted to wait till after a year lapsed to send this message. None of us can live forever but Dr. David has given my father a minimum of one year extension in life that all of us never thought possible. Dr. David, to me, is a miracle worker."        

       - Joe D. 


“After I was cured, people told me how ill I looked before. I wasn’t aware of how sick I looked.  I knew I felt horrible. I would get to the point where I could not race walk anymore.  I am feeling so much better. I thank God every day for Dr. Anand.” 

       - Margaret R. 


“We did the ablation on January 23, 2012, and thank God it was successful. I have not been in atrial fib for about a year. I go to the gym, golf weekly, do all kinds of activities.”

       - Gaspare S.


“Dr. Weitz told me he could take care of my Afib once and for all…the staff was very good, very professional.  The ablation stopped the erratic electronic pulses in the heart. I’ve had no recurrences.”

       - Steve F.


“Dr. Anand, words cannot express our gratitude for everything you have done to heal my Afib and send me on the road to a healthier, happier life. It was a challenge, but you never gave up.”

       - Frank B.


“Thanks for the quick response to treating my Afib. My family and I appreciate it very much. I am feeling much better now.”

       - Leroy W.


"I would like to extend my complete satisfaction with the pre operation staff & the floor staff during and after my [procedure]...The staff that took care of me during my stay...was the most caring, compassionate, helpful and patient I have yet to experience. I have been in several hospitals [in the area], and I can tell you by far, this has been the nicest hospital and the best staff.

I can honestly say that even the non-medical staff were just as pleasant and courteous, such as Spiritual, housekeeping and food staff. Everyone that entered my room was not only helpful but caring as well...Please pass along to the staff...specifically my two nurses, my complete and total satisfaction...I wish to thank everyone from the bottom of my “fixed” heart. My best decision was coming to Holy Cross Hospital, you all should be proud. Again, my sincere appreciation."
       - Robert Z.